Business Management Coaching

Business Management & Executive Coaching for:
Business Owners, C-Level Executives and Employees

  Developing and managing various programs within a variety of business settings has provided me with the expertise I now possess to: Redefine the Role of the Individual in the work environment and the Goals of the Business, in order to provide a clear Path for Success for both the Individual's Career as well as the Success of the Business as a whole.
The purpose of Business Management & Executive Coaching is to uncover underlying issues that hinder professional success of owners or employees of a company that may be impacting the success of the company as well.

A Business Coach is a neutral and objective professional that is specially trained in Systems Theory, and can therefore identify patterns of thought and behavior that requires change. This process occurs through: 1) observation; 2) providing analysis and advisement; and 3) teaching the skills necessary to achieve business-related goals for the individuals within a company. This thereby enhances an individual's performance, and thus the success of the company also.

Training sessions will focus on teaching the following skills: Communication, Interpersonal Skills, Active Listening, Critical Thinking, Being a Team Player, Conflict Resolution, Organization, Time Management, Professionalism, Customer Service, Leadership, Management, Willingness to Learn, Willingness to Accept Feedback, Resilience, Stress-Management and Work-Life balance.

These skills apply to Owners, Managers, and Employees. Common themes to focus on include: Flexibility, Adaptability, and embracing a Positive Attitude.

Other specific areas of concern such as: Conducting Effective Meetings for Managers, or Self-Promotion Skills for Employees can be addressed in individual and/or group sessions.


Please feel free to contact me for:
• Answers to questions you may have about my Therapy/Coaching, or
• To Schedule an Appointment.